Last days Bollywood beauty Kriti Sanon's dress was in the discussions because it was designed from the 2000 rupees notes. When the whole country is facing problems after the note ban so in that case, the discussions for the dress could have necessary. The question got start raising that who gave that much 2000 rupees notes to the designer to design it on the dress. Somehow there is no fault.
When this picture got viral on social media where Kriti Sanon was captured in the 2000 notes designed dress, then people started raising a question about it. Actually, this dress of Kriti Sanon is not original. Yes, this is true, you heard right. This dress which designed from new 2000 notes it is a magic of photoshop. Kriti Sanon has shared this news by through her fan club.
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Even Kriti Sanon has shared the real picture of her dress with the fake one. Kriti Sanon even told that she wore this dress in the Umang Festival in Mumbai in this year. Kriti Sanon through her fan page has posted, Tired of these folks circulating morphed pics & reputed websites posting that too..Weird...Please do refrain !!
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Then Kriti Sanon clarified by tweeting herself, I think it is the tiny brains that take this PS magic for Real! Then she tweeted, that's some effort n time spent on photoshop!
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What? Kriti Sanon wore dress designed from 2000 rupees notes
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