Last year Aamir Khan gave statement on Intolerance, after that too much issue were created. This issue again got alive as soon as Dangal’s new poster got released. On twitter, people are targeting Aamir Khan and his film.
Aamir Khan shared the poster of Dangal on Monday. Since Monday people are protesting against Aamir Khan and his film Dangal.
“This is traitor Dangal’ is trending on social media. People are appealing to boycott Dangal. Some are suggesting Aamir and his wife to leave the country. Some are sending his to Syria and some are Pakistan. Some are denoting Aamir as bigger trailer than Shahrukh Khan and some are saying it is better to give food to the poor than seeing the film. People reaction on Twitter :
- U stil in India? @amirkingkhan felt not so safe here?boycott #देशद्रोही_का_दंगल Moral responsibility of every Indian
- His wife was afraid to live in the country. Let them choose the country they want to release their movie n earn money #देशद्रोही_का_दंगल
- #देशद्रोही_का_दंगल After dilwale & fan New project is for us, this is traitor's dangal.. Say no to traitor's movie
- Boycott Dangal. Boycott all khan movies.Destroy dawood funded bollywood #देशद्रोही_का_दंगल @aamir_khan
- Earning from India, Fame From India, Respect from India then abusing India #BoycottDangal #देशद्रोही_का_दंगल
- I was a big fan of @aamir_khan once but mulla aakhir mulla hi hota hai #देशद्रोही_का_दंगल
- #देशद्रोही_का_दंगल. If Aamir Khan feels India intolerant,he shud stop his movie release here n go to tolerant Syria.
Aamir gave statement on Intolerance in 8th edition on Ramnath Goenka Award Function. He said, ‘For the first time I’m feeling afraid for my kids. Seeing the situation of the country, once my wife Kiran said something big and scary thing. Kiran asked should we leave the Country? She was feeling scared about the kids.’
Then in March 2016, Aamir gave one more statement on Intolerance. He said, ‘India still is a tolerant country. Some are spreading hatred, but only our PM can stop him.’
Later Aamir clarified himself. He said, ‘I never said that India is an Intolerant . My statement was presented in different way. Saying increase in intolerance and India is intolerant are both different thing.
Aamir Khan's film 'Dangal' is been protested on twitter
- 2 minute read

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