Everyday at the Cannes film festival is looking something new. One hand Julia Roberts walk on the red carpet on Cannes film festival with barefoot which made a sensation news then on the other hand Aishwarya Rai Bachchan also grab attention of audience. Actually Aishwarya is looking very hot in bez color gown but her purple lipsticks made everything ruined. Now she has become victim of Twitter trolls and there are making fun of her lipstick colors.
There some tweets like, Prem Dilwala - Horror film not Aishwarya's lipstick makes me scary.
Sonali - After seeing Aishwarya's lipstick my first reaction was OMG! why she took her daughter's crown lip louse.
Sahri Amir - after seeing Aishwarya's lips it seems like that she has eaten black current ice cream.
Now it has become trouble for Aishwarya because this is not just about India but the whole international media was capturing them. Now it is Aishwarya's fault or her makeup artist it has to see.