Akshay Kumar has surprised his fans with the announcement of his new, upcoming movie on the festive occasion of Raksha Bandhan i.e., 3 August, 2020. The ‘Kesari’ actor has announced his new project, titled 'Raksha Bandhan' which is speculated to go on the floor on 5 November, 2021. The declaration of the movie 'Raksha Bandhan' comes at a time when people across the world happen to be celebrating the auspicious Raksha Bandhan festival. The word of the movie was released along with a poster that happens to give a sneak peek into what happens to be a movie based on the bond between brothers and sisters. The poster that was released shows Akshay Kumar's character in the movie in a comforting, warm embrace with his four sisters. The poster features several 'Rakhis' tied on Akshay's wrist while he happily hugs his sisters who hug him back. The poster also features the tagline 'Bas behene deti hain 100% return'.
Raksha Bandhan is helmed by 'Tanu Weds Manu' fame Aanand L. Rai and will be produced jointly by Colour Yellow Productions and Cape Of Good Films. Akshay Kumar who plays the prominent role in the movie was reported saying that he is deeply touched by the story in the movie 'Raksha Bandhan'. Akshay also mentioned that Raksha Bandhan is the quickest film that he has signed in his career. The actor further said that the movie will make the audience laugh and cry. Akshay Kumar dedicated the movie to this bond between brothers and sisters and his sister Alka who also happens to be producing the film. The movie is speculated to release in theatres on 5 November, 2021.