Actor Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan have been keeping busy for their biggest collaboration, YRF’s ‘Thugs Of Hindostan’. The movie is a lot in news for its ensemble star cast, which includes Katrina Kaif and Fatima Sana Sheikh too and recently all of them were there in Malta for the shoot when Big B apparently suffered a rib injury.
As per the reports that have some, Amitabh Bachchan suffered acute pain in his lower back and despite being in so much pain, the actor refrained from taking a break from the shoot. But later when he came back to Mumbai and got an MRI done only then it was revealed that he had cracked his rib.
Director and writer of the movie Vijay Krishna Acharya was extremely moved by the dedication and professionalism the legendary actor showed. Talking about the same he said that to him having Mr. Bachchan in his movie and on his sets is an extraordinary thing. He grew up idolising him and was an absolute fan of his as a kid. He added by sharing that when he saw him in pain he asked him to reschedule the shoot, but he insisted on completing the portions and did them brilliantly, even though he had a severe pain.
He concluded by saying that this kind of commitment and focus is what makes Amitabh Bachchan the Legendary actor.
Amitabh Bachchan In spite Of Rib Injury Continued To Shoot For 'Thugs Of Hindostan'
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