The famous blockbuster of yesteryear, ‘Namak Halaal’ is all set to screen on the theatres near you. Yes, you read it right, the Amitabh Bachchan, Shashi Kapoor, Smita Patil, Parveen Babi and Waheeda Rehman star-studded movie will be screened again at Cinema halls. The cult classic movie which is not only known for its chartbuster music like, ‘Pag Ghungroo Bandh’ ‘Aaj Rapat Jaye To’ ‘Raat Baaki Baat Baaki’ or ‘Jawani Jan-e-mann’ produced by music composer Bappi Lehri, but also for its iconic dialogues like "I can talk English, I can walk English, I can laugh English, because English is a very funny language." Or ‘Lo karlo baat’ followed by cricket commentary. The dialogue of Amitabh Bachchan from the movie still connects and loved by Bollywood buffs.
Now as the movie is nearing to complete 35 years this month, VKAAO and Shemaroo Entertainment Ltd have collaborated to re-release it across the country on 21 May.
Shemaroo has restored the movie and movie lovers can book a private screening through VKAAO. They can also book tickets at the theatre booking counters.
Directed by Prakash Mehra, the movie also starred Suresh Oberoi, Om Prakash, Satyendra Kapoor, Ranjeet and Ram Sethi. The lyrics of the movie were written by Anjaan, dialogues by Kader Khan and was produced by Satyendra Pal.
The movie was released in 1982 and was Blockbuster at the Box-Office and went on to be a Golden Jubilee Hit.
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Amitabh Bachchan's ‘Namak Halaal' To Screen On The Theatres Near You
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