Director S.S Rajamouli's directed film Bahubali was loved by the audience. This film was the most earning film of last year. This film was released in Malyalam, Tamil, Hindi and Telugu. Now this film will soon complete 1 years of release. To celebrate first anniversary, the film will release in Malayalam version in Kerala by production and distribution house Global United Media.
In a statement by the company, 'Film last year was released on 10th July. We have not decided the date, but we are planning to release the Malyalam version in Kerela, Audience will again get change to see this epic film.'
Bahubali is based on two brother, who fight for Empire. This fim collected 600 crores.
End of the first part will make you mad to see the second part. Hindi version of the film collected 100 crores. Makers of this film told to release it's second part in 2016, but now it will release in 2017. Right now producers are bsuy shooting for the Bahubali : The Conclusion, which will release next year.
Bahubali : The Beginning is going to release once again
- 2 minute read
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