Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s dream project ‘Bajirao Mastani’ has completed one week in at the box office. The film started slow at the box office due to clash with Rohit Shetty’s multi- starrer film ‘Dilwale’, which started decent at the box office.
The weekdays were very good for the film ‘Bajirao Mastani’ because of good word of mouth publicity and always being forward to ‘Dilwale’ is weekdays after being behind to ‘Dilwale’ in weekends. The film collected 5.60 crores on its second Monday i.e. Which made the total collection is 126.05 crores.
The film shows very good growth after an average weekend and collected very good money in the theatres. The film has two weeks more to earn money in the theatres, just because there is no movie is releasing till 8thJanuary 2016.
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