Prem Ratan Dhan Payo starring Salman Khan and Soonam Kapoor has been on a banking spree. PRDP has broken many records but it was failed to break the worldwide opening day record by Baahubali released earlier this year.
PRDP in India, it collected 40.35 crores on its first day while Baahubali collected 50 crores.
'Prem Ratn Dhan Payo' collected 10.62 crores from the world except India. Prem Ratan Dhan Payo collected 30.07 crores on its third day, Its international collection (All Languages) is 20 crores and Tamil and Telegu collection is 3 crores, so its total till now is 101.47 crores.
Anupam Kher is in main role in the film.
Box Office : ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’ 3rd day collection
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