R. Madhwan and Ritika Singh starrer film Saala Khadoos on it's first weekend collected 9.93 crores. This film is directed by Sudha Kongara and is produced by Rajkumar Hirani. This film was released last Friday. Box Office collection of Saala Khadoos on it's 5th day is 1 crores.
The Story of the film revolves around the boxing coach R. Madhwan, who inspires Ritika Singh to acheive her goal.
Film whic was released in Hindi and Tamil, collected 2.29 crores on Friday and on Sunday this movie collected just double 4.2 crores.Including the promotion expenses, this film was made with the budget of 15 crores, so this earing can be said good. According to the trade analysts the film has earned very well in the first weekend and there have many more expectations from the film in upcoming days.
Hirani told many times that when Madhwan came up with the script of Saala Khadoos, then he liked it a lot. Aamir khan also joined the promotion of Saala Khadoos. Despite of all this, film is not able to do good business at the box Office collection.
This movie was not able to do well on it’s opening day because of less promotional activities and the second reason behind this may be less screens i.e. 575. But this movie got good word of mouth of the audience and the critics.
So, lets see will this film make any profits or not ?
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