Utrakhand Police has arrested two cyber criminal. Police claims that both have robbed Rs 5 Lakhs from Amitabh Bachchan's bank account. Case is linked with Tribal Bahul Jaamtada. Which is said as capital of Cyber crime.
According to Jaamtada Police, arrested Sitaram Mandal and Rajkumar and his mate Vikas Mandal called Amitabh Bachchan and got his ATM and it's pin, after that they robbed Rs 5 lakhs from his account.
Amitabh told audience about this incident in his show KBC, when Jharkhand's Devghar contestant reached there.
Amitabh told that cryber criminal called me as bank manager and stole the money, he wants to meet them, RIght now police is questioning them.
Cyber Fraud are done from any part of the country, 70% case is from Jamtada district and police got it from here.
Criminals who stole money from Amitabh's account got arrested
- 2 minute read

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