Tarak Mehta fame actor Kavi Kumar Azad, who was quite known for his role of Dr Hansraj Haathi passed away on Monday afternoon after agonize with a cardiac arrest. A day before the death, he fell into the coma and his heart collapsed due to insufficient oxygen. He was admitted at Wokhardt Hospital at Mira Road. The news got confirmed by none other than show’s producer, himself Asit Kumarr Modi.
As per the reports, Taarak Mehta’s team disclosed that despite the fact he was feeling unwell for the last few days, Azad was still coming for the shoot of the show just on Sunday he spoke to the producer on the phone and said as he isn't feeling good he won't come today though he was unfit from past several days still reporting on time.
This is indeed a very sad news, senior actor Kavi Kumar Azaad was a good heart man. He was playing the character of Dr Hathi in Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma. he lost his life due to the health issue he was battling with from pasts for several years thus died due to cardiac arrest when heart got collapsed because of insufficient oxygen in body. Kavi was a jolly person on screen and off screen as well. He was a very dear member of the show and for the viewer too.
Azad had also played role in a few films including Aamir Khan’s Mela and Funtoosh.
The show is based on the column Duniya Ne Oondha Chashma written by journalist Taarak Mehta for a Gujarati magazine. And just some days back, the whole team of Taarak Mehta has celebrated the completion of 2500 episodes.
He was truly the integral part of Taarak Mehta which registered as Guinness Book of World Records for ‘airing the highest number of episodes’ on television, both original and repeat, Limca World Record as well.
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Exclusive: Taarak Mehta Fame Dr. Haathi aka Kavi Kumar Azad Passed Away
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