Despite having box office clash with Shahrukh Khan's Raees, Hrithik Roshan starring Kaabil has emerged as a successful movie. Hrithik's performance in Kaabil has won hearts of audience to the critics. Not only the fans rather some directors also have become Hrithik's fan. In one of them is director Kabir Khan who soon going to bring the film Tubelight with Salman Khan.
The discussions are going from the very long time that Hrithik Roshan's next flick will be with director Kabir Khan and now the news is that the film will be produced by producer Sajid Nadiadwala. If beliefs to the reports, then Hrithik and Kabir wanted to work together from very long time but it didn't happen due to some reasons. Now news is that Hrithik and Kabir both are very excited for this project.
Kaabil box office clash
The film will come on the floors in this year and it can be expected that the film can release in next year. However, after Kabir Khan, Hrithik is also going to be busy in his next franchise film Krrish 4 because Krrish 4 is also slated to release on Christmas 2018. Whether Kabir Khan's Tubelight is going to release on Eid 2017.
My sons can't escape from my stardom says, Hrithik Roshan
After the release of Tubelight, Kabir Khan will start working on this film and Hrithik has also not signed any film after Kaabil till now but rumors are that he can be seen in Karan Malhotra directorial comedy action flick under Dharma Productions.
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Hrithik Roshan to work with director Kabir Khan in his next film
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