Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni's husband Vicky Gosawami has charged for being a part of 2000 crores drugs racket. Mamta Kulkarni also has involved in the drugs trafficking and news is that the police has arrested the both from African country Kenya. United state drug reinforcement agency and Mombasa police department have arrested them on last Sunday. Four person have arrested in this mission.
The four person have arrested are Baktaash Akasha the most famous drug mafia, other than this drug mafia late Ibrahim Akasha's son. Mamta's husband is stating as the main supporter of Akasha. News is that the Kenya police has done a long inquiry with them and after a long inquiry the police arrested both in allegation of drug trafficking.
Till now Kenya police and DIA have not revealed the allegations on Mamta and her husband. Mamta is far from the lime light from a long decade. She has done movies like Ghatak, Baazi, Karan Arjun and many more and she has also written the an autobiography of an Yogin. According to the media reports Mamta has changed her religion as Muslim.
Karan Arjun actress Mamta Kulkarni accused of being part of 2000 crores drugs racket
- 2 minute read
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