At the 18th ceremony of the IIFA Awards, the hosts Karan Johar, Saif Ali Khan and Varun Dhawan made comment on Nepotism and took a dig at Kangana Ranaut. It all started on Karan Johar’s show ‘Koffie With Karan’ when Kangana said that Karan is the flag bearer of nepotism.
At the IIFA Awards ceremony, Varun Dhawan received the best actor award in a comic role for ‘Dishoom’, the host Saif Ali Khan said, “you are here because of your father”, to which Varun replied, “you are here because of your mother”, which led to Karan, who said, “I am here because of my father” and all three of them chanted ‘Nepotism Rocks’ and sung ‘Bole chudiya, bole kangana’, where Karan stops and comments, ‘Kangana na hi bole to achha hai’.
Well, obviously this led to a bash on the Internet; people criticised them for their actions. According to them, it was just for fun but unfortunately, it was taken the other way.
A user tweeted, “I would like to see the likes of Karan Johar, Varun Dhawan, and Saif Ali Khan to try their nepotism humour in front of Kangana.
There’s no doubt that Kangana Ranaut is one of the finest actors in the Bollywood right now and she has proved that with ‘Queen’, ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ franchise and next year she will be seen as the iconic Rani Lakshmi Bai. Now let us wait for Kangana's reaction on the same.
However, Varun Dhawan apologised for his actions in the IIFA and tweeted, “I express my apology and regret. I am extremely sorry if I have offended or hurt anyone with that act”
Karan Johar And Varun Dhawan Nepotism Dig On Kangana Ranaut Received Negative Reaction From Fans
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