Famous Marathi Filmmaker Najraaj Popatrao Manjule has been accused for beating and harassing his ex-wife Sunita. Sunita says that, 'As soon as Nagraj got success, he sideline me. What all dreams he showed, he destroyed them. When I used to demand kids, then he used to beat me. With hands and belt. Once he locked me, went away to take National Award. Let me tell you, Nagraj has only directed film Sairat, which is going to enter in 100 crores club.
Nagraj made his first short film in 2010 'Pistulya'. He also got National award for this. Nagraj and Sunita got divorced in 2014. According to Media report, Sunita says that, 'Pistulya was liked by the audience, when film was selected for National Award, the we were very happy. Nagraj has to go to Delhi to take the award, I was very happy, but that time i got such a big shock. I thought, I am not part of his plan. Whole family was to go to Delhi. They did not even leave me in the house, but they locked me. I don't know why it was done. I don't have words to tell that.'
Let me tell you Nagraj and Sunita were married in 1997. But after getting relation destroyed they took divorce in 2014. Sunita said, 'Seeing other married women, I also felt that I will become mother. But it did not happened to me. He used to always say me that he will not be able to fulfill his dream on making films because of issues in family. He also got Sunita abort her child many time.
His family has been also accused in fraud case. I did not understand much while signing the divorce paper, I was given 7 Lakhs draft cheque for the settlement. Lawyer took his 1 lakhs.
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