
Mohenjo Daro Movie 2016 - Hrithik Roshan and Pooja Hegde

Name of the Film Mohejo Daro
Producer  Ashutosh Gowariker, Sidharth Roy Kapur
Director Ashutosh Gowariker
Star cast Hrithik Roshan, Pooja Hegde, Arundoy Singh, Kabir Bedi
Genre Epic adventure love story
Release Date 12th August 2016
Plot - The Ashutosh Gowariker film as the name says will be based on the era of Mohejo Daro in 26th century and it will show all the era in the film through sets. The film is going to be periodic romantic drama starring Hrithik Roshan and Pooja Hegde in the lead roles. Hrithik Roshan has charged 50 crores for the film and on the other hand Pooja Hegde is doing through this film. Karen Goulekas who designed sets for Hollywood films like Day After Tomorrow has designed set for the film. The story of the film revolves around a orphan boy who resides with his uncle close to the areas of Mohenjo Daro. However he got to know about the news of a fair in Mohenjo Daro so he joins the fair to becoming a trader. Then in the fair he met with the character of Pooja Hegde and being fall in love at first site. Pooja Hegde who is a daughter of Kabir Bedi and was a princess of the place. Kabir Bedi is the person who was responsible for death of Hrithik Roshan's father in the film. Then this romantic drama will turn into revenge drama. Arundoy singh who is playing a trader who loves Pooja Hegde's character. With this film will become more interesting and Hrithik Roshan has a given nude shot in the film. There is also a passionate intimate scene Pooja Hegde and Hrithik Roshan.

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