Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is soon going to work in Joya Akhtar's film. Ranveer will be seen as Rapper in the film. According to the news, Ranveer will be seen as rapper who lives in slum area, which is inspired from famous band 'Slumgods' of Dharvi.
Let me tell you, Ranveer before this was not seen in role of rapper in any film. This is the first time, when he will be seen as Rapper in the film. News also says that shooting of the film can start by end of this year.
Ranveer these days is doing lots of preparations for his role. These days he is learning hiphop. Apart from this, he is even trying to grab the way of style while they speak who lives in slum.
Let me tell you, Before this Ranveer worked with Joya is in film 'Dil Dhadakne Do' and these days he is busy in him film 'Befikre'. Vaani Kapoor will be seen with Ranveer Singh in this film. Befikre is directed by Aditya Chopra. Lost of Intimate scenes with Vaani kapoor will be seen in the film. All the posters which are released till now, in those posters, Ranveer and Vaani is seen kissing eachother.
Ranveer was expected to be seen in Sanjay leela Bansali's film 'Padmavati'. He was to be seen as Allaudin Khilji in the film. Deepika will be playing role of Padmavati. Shahid kapoor will be seen as Deepika's husband in the film.
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