Promo of The Kapil Sharma show has been released. Few days back Kapil shared set of The Kapil Sharma Show to his fans. Kapil Sharma this show will be telecasted on Sony TV on 23 April at 9 PM.
Recently he shared Sunil Grover's look in this show. In which he is seen in long white hair. He is wearing White shirt and thick specs.
First guest in this The Kapil Sharma Show will be Shahrukh Khan. Shahrukh will be seen promoting his film Fan. Shooting photos have come on social media, in this Shahrukh Khan is seen the monitor and Kapil is standing beside him.
Let me tell you, Kapil full teams, Sunil Grover, Ali Asgar, Kiku Sharda, Sumona Chakravarti, Navjot Singh Sidhu and Chandan Prabhakar will be seen in this show.
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