Sanjay Leela Bhansali's ambitious project Padmavati has recently gone into the floors the film is going to make in the budget of 170 crores. But many people are desperate to become part of this historical project and in one of them is Bhansali's Kashibai from Bajirao Mastani, Priyanka Chopra. Although the star cast of Padmavati has been locked and Ranveer Singh has started shooting for the flick. Soon another leading cast Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor will start the shooting of the flick.
Priyanka Chopra's first Marathi song
Now according to the reports, Priyanka Chopra wants to be a part of this historical drama and for that, she even is ready to an item song in the film Padmavati. Acutally, Priyanka Chopra has maintained distance from Bollywood after the release of Prakash Jha directorial flick Jai Gangaajal. Priyanka is coming back to India in December and after that, she is going to make her busy in Bollywood projects because she recently has completed shooting of Hollywood flick Baywatch and soon will complete shooting of Quantico 2.
Priyanka shared the poster of Baywatch
Last days there were the reports that she will do one film with Anil Kapoor called Fanney Khan but in the midst of this Priyanka has her eye on Deepika Padukone's film Padmavati.
Let me remind you that Priyanka Chopra was not part of Bhansali's Ram-Leela but she managed to do an item song in the film. Then in Bajirao Mastani, she played the supporting role of Kashibai and she even won the award for the film.
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This actress desperately wants to work with Sanjay Leela Bhansali in Padmavati
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