Recently, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan photo was seen on the poster of Sarnjit. In this she was seen as old age women in a very simple style. Now we will show you another phase of Aishwarya in this film, seeing this you will again get flattened with her beauty.
In red Suit, bangles in her hand, Bindi on forehead and mascara in eyes, this look of Aishwarya will also be seen in Sarbjit. Let me tell you, in the film she is playing role of Sarbjit's sister Dalbir Kaur, who did long fight to save his brother.
Sarbjit is based on an Indian farmer, who got died in 2013 in Pakistani Jail. Randeep Hooda is playing Sarbjit role in the film and his wife is played by Richa Chaddha. This film is directed by Omung Kumar and this film is releasing on 20 May.
Aishwarya's awesome beauty will be seen in Red Suit in 'Sarbjit'
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