Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal has said that he is very excited to be a part of Sanjay Dutt's biopic and he will get lots of things to learn during the making of this film. Ranbir Kapoor is playing Sanjay Dutt in Rajkumar Hirani directorial this film and according to the news, Masaan fame actor Vicky Kaushal is playing a close friend of Sanjay Dutt in the film.
When he was asked about it, he said talking about it will hurry so I am not in the position to say anything about it. But I am very excited and it is your dream to work with some people and learn from them. Finally, I got the chance and I am very happy. The actor said this during the special screening of Haraamkhor.
Ranbir Kapoor to do cameo in Vicky's film
In the midst of this Vicky also has started the shooting of his next flick which will be produced by Ronnie Screwala. Ronnie is coming back to film production with this romantic comedy movie after two years. Anand Tiwari is directing the film. The news is this that Ranbir Kapoor will do a special appearance in the film.
Vicky Kaushal soon in a comedy movie
While asking about this Vicky Said I also have heard that. Recently the shooting of the film has started and that's why it will be hurrying to say anything that who is playing a cameo role in which movie or not.
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It is a dream come true to work in Sanjay Dutt's biopic : Vicky Kaushal
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