These days Priyanka Chopra's stars are on the peak. From Bollywood to Hollywood, her demand is getting increased. On one hand, she is busy in TV series Quantico and on other hand shooting of Baywatch has been started and her Bollywood film Jai Gangaajal has also been released.
So, Priyanka fans must be eager to know what will be the next film of Priyanka Chopra. So if to believe the source, then her next film will be of Sanjay Leela Bansali's production and it will be based on Amrita Pritam. Yes and according to the source, and this film will be directed by director Jasmeet Dhodhi. This will be his first directorial film.
Talk of Irrfan Khan in Lead role is coming in front. But seeing Priyanka schedule in Hollywood, it is clear that this film will take time, before this Priyanka Chopra was seen in Bajirao Mastani.
After Jai Gangaajai, this is Priyanka Chopra's next Hindi film
- 2 minute read
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