Bollywood actress kareena Kapoor Khan has denied the news of playing role in biopic of Sanjay Dutt. Sanjay Dutt has been freed from Yervada Jail, Pune after been found guilty in 1993 Bomb Blast case.
Rajkumar Hirani will make the movie on the life of Sanjay Dutt. In this Ranbir kapoor will be playing role of Sanjay Dutt in the film.
News was this that Kareena kapoor was to play role of Political sister of Sanjay Dutt, Priya Dutt.
When asked about the offer of the film, kareena said, 'I also read this news, but this news is completely wrong. I have not got any offeres for this film.'
This film will be produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. In this film will shoe Sanjay Dutt from 17 years to present.
No actress is chosen for this film.
I have not received any proposal of Sanjay Dutt's Biographical film
- 2 minute read
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