The trailer of Aanand L Rai produced film Nil Battey Sannata already got very acclaimed from the audience and the celebrities. The Ashwini Iyer directorial film is a story of a maid women and her daughter. The maid wants to make her daughter a educated person but because of lack of money Swara starts herself to study and make money for her daughter.
Now a song from the film also being released called Maths Mein Dabba Gul which is a very sweet song which recalls the memory of everyone's childhood. The songs shows how the people afraid to read Maths and not only the normal people but superstars also. Megastar Amitabh Bachchan also retweeted the song and wrote the song recalls my childhood memory.
Check out the song this link :-!/music/watch/1050691/nil-battey-sannata/6698423/exclusive---maths-mei-dabba-gul?ap=1
Maths Mein Dabba Gul Video Song – Nil Battey Sannata – Swara Bhaskar and Ratna Pathak Shah
- 2 minute read
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