The hit television comedy show The Kapil Sharma Show soon going to be see a new entry in the show and the new entry will be Kapil Sharma's brother Gappu's character. Kapil introduced his brother on social media Twitter. So meet the Kappu's brother Gappu who is also played by Kapil Sharma. However he has changed his look but he is looking very interesting in it.
This interesting development will make people surely a laugh when Kapil will portray two characters in the same show. Although this is not the first time when Kapil is portraying two characters in the same show. He earlier also has played two characters in his old show Comedy nights with Kapil. In the old show he played Bittu Sharma and Sittu Sharma but this time in this new show he is playing Kappu Sharma and Gappu Sharma.
This new character will join the house of Kappu's grandmother Pushpa played by Ali Asgar. He will be totally opposite of Kappu as he will be more rowdiness type of character. All in all this is going to be a double blast on the show and Kapil will make people more laugh with his double role in the show.
This show has got a good TRP and has beaten the rivalry show Comedy nights Bachao and Comedy Nights Live. As Comedy Nights is going off air soon and on the other hand another show Comedy Nights Bachao is facing many hurdles for guests as most of the actors have denied to come on this show because of his concept to insult guests.
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