Actor Akshay Kumar looked good as Army man in Holiday. Now he will be seen playing Naval Officer in the film Rustom. Akshay Kumar has recently shared the poster of his film to his fans, in which he is looking attractive.
It is been told the trailer of this film will release on 30th June at 9. Akshay Kumar wrote while releasing the poster, 'Why was Rustom accused of being a traitor? Know his story.'
Story of the film is based during time of 1950. It is romantic thriller film. It is also said that, film is based on Nanavati Murder case in 1959. In this Naval officer Kawas Manekshaw Nanavati tried to kill his wife lover.
It is the third time when Akshay Kumar and Neeraj Pandey are working together, before this they have worked in Baby and Special 26. Rustom is directed by Tinu Suresh. Pandey has written the dialogues of the film. Film will release on 12 August.
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