Now Kapil Sharma's wax statue will have in London's Madame Tusaauds. With this Kapil Sharma has become first Indian TV star who will have his statue in this museum. Let me tell you that some days before a team has measured Narendra Modi for his statue in the museum. This is to saying the team who have measured Narendra Modi, the same team measured Kapil Sharma. The meeting was held in J W Martial hotel.
According to the sources the work has started on Kapil statue and it will complete in 6 months. After six months the normal people can also watch the statute in the museum. This is to notice that Kapil Sharma has also named his name in the list of Forbes business magazine. In 2013 he was on the position of 93th, in 2014 on 33th and in 2016 on 27th position.
These days Kapil Sharma is preparing for his new show The Kapil Sharma show with his team. Kapil Sharma left his most popular show Comedy Nights with Kapil due to some dispute with channel owner Raj Nayak. After the news of wax statue of Kapil Sharma Raj Nayak also congratulated Kapil Sharma for this huge achievement.
Now Kapil Sharma will become a part of Madame Tussauds
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