Bollywood famous director Vikas Bahl can make the sequel of Andaz Apna Apna. News is Vikas has started the work on this project. However, title of the film will be Andaz Apna Apana but the story will be different.
Vikas had made Queen. Vikas last film 'Shaandaar' was unsuccessful, but now he is ready with great comeback.
Salman khan, Aamir khan, karisma kapoor, Raveena Tandon, Shakti Kapoor, Paresh Rawal were in lead role in the 1994 film.
22 years have passed off, but still this film makes the audience laugh. So now lets see will sequel come or not.
Soon sequel of Aamir and Salman starrer 'Andaz Apna Apna' will be made
- 2 minute read
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