There is a good news for the fans Sushant Singh Rajput and Parineeti Chopra. This hit pair of 'Shuddh Desi Romance' will be seen once again on the screens and name of the film is 'Takadum', both have started the shooting of the film. Parineeti and Sushant are also very excited about this film. Parineeti shared a photo on twitter and informed her fan about the shooting. In this, they both are seen reading the script. This film will be directed by Homi Adjania.
Let me tell you, Parineeti before this was busy in film 'Meri Pyaari Bindu'. She is coming after long on big screens and Ayushmann Khurana will be seen opposite her in the film. If to talk about Sushant then his recent released film M.S Dhoni : The Untold Story is doing great work at the box office. Sushant in this film was seen playing role of M.S Dhoni and people are saying that he had copied Dhoni, means his style, attitude everything.
Talking about his another movie, then he will be seen in film Raabta, Kriti Sanon will be seen opposite him in the film. This film is directed by Dinesh Vijan. This film will release on 10th February.
Well talking about Pari, then she will be singing a song in the film 'Meri Pyaari Bindu'. This film is directed by Akshay Roy and produced by Maneesh Sharma. She was also seen doing an item number in Dishoom along with Varun Dhawan 'Jaaneman Aah'.
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Sushant and Parineeti to be seen together in the film 'Takadum'
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