The television show ‘Pehredaar Piya Ki’ has been making waves ever since the shows first promo was aired. The show shows a 9-year-old prince getting married to an 18-year-old girl as and the reason behind it is that the prince has lost his parents and the girl will be acting as his caretaker protecting him from his evil relatives who have set their eyes on his property.
Due to the controversial storyline, the show received a huge backlash from the audience, and some even requested it to be banned, but the makers of the show defended the content and asked the audience to wait for the story to unfold.
Thereafter, reports came that the makers are looking for an actor who can play the role of grown-up Prince as the show needs to take a leap immediately to avoid a ban. It was said that the decision was taken after the show received much criticism.
But now from a close source, the news has come, that plot of the show or the script hasn’t been changed because of the criticism and all such reports are false. He concluded that the makers are indeed looking for an actor for the role but the 12-year leap will happen when it is scheduled to happen as per the original script.
Is Television Show 'Pehredaar Piya Ki' Taking 12-Year Leap?
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