Chennai Based actress laxmi Rai expressed that In M.S Dhoni : The Untold Story, she will be not be discussed. As this film is releasing on 30th September, so M.S Dhoni and Laxmi Raai affair is in news. Well there was a news that Dhoni and Laxmi were in serious relationship. During 2008 IPL, news came that they both were dating.
According to the Laxmi Raai, I am shocked that people talk about my part unnecessary, because me and Dhoni has moved forward, but some people are still stuck there, as this thing happened 8 years ago. According to Laxmi, she was brand ambassador of that team. As he was part of the team, but we were together for less than 1 year, we did made any commitment for each other nor thought about the marriage. But I don't get why are people still talking to you. In this film, story of his first Girl friend Priyanka Jha will be also shown.
Laxmi Raai few years back told a newspaper. Today time has passed, but whenever Dhoni is talked about, then My name is taken. Today also rumors of are romance is made. He hates such type of speculations. I don't believe that relation with Dhoni is life a stain, which will not go easily. After Dhoni, I had 3-4 relationships, but nobody cares about them.
Laxmi told, 'I knew him very well, but cannot say if this relation could have been given a name. We still respect each other. He has moved on in his life. Our story got end years ago, now I focus on my acting.
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