Amitabh Bachchan once truly said in an interview: When Vidya Balan smiles, it feels as if it's coming directly from the depth of her stomach. Prepping character for the daunting order of interviews for her upcoming movie 'Begum Jaan', Vidya is finesse personified. It's clear as she rests in six-yards elegantly, with her hair open and her nose-pin that especially lures attention. She remarks and experiences little things appearing around her. The star looks at her rich best as starts pampering in an exclusive interview with Times Of
Vidya performs 'Begum Jaan', a whorehouse landlord, in the tale of survival set in the backdrop of the country's partition in 1947. The trailer has received a notable response, clearly giving increasing expectations from the fans. Interestingly, Vidya tells the trailer launch was merely one of the events, but the reaction to its victory is remarkable. 'I didn't think about it. The trailer was a different event I had to attend that day, and then I had a TV shoot listed for the day. I was caught by surprise. I wasn't even imagining about it when Srijit called and told me that it had crossed 7 million views and now it has passed 20 million. I think it's done much well than what I expected,' she says excitedly.
The arrangements that one has to characterize such intense, hard-hitting character seem excruciating but Vidya gives the credit. 'I think it's the script that makes me. It held it all. Srijit's writing and Kausar Munir's dialogues actually did half the work. Then, you get into the aspect of the character. You try the clothes the makeup and hairstyle. I believe all of this adds their little bit...then slowly when you notice the character as that person, things transforms. I gave a lot of time with Srijit trying to learn 'Begum Jaan'. I think within all my chats that development happened,' Vidya admits.
Wearing a passionate role in 'The Dirty Picture', a firm character in Kahaani, or the unreformed role in 'Begum Jaan', reflects Vidya's deep love with her profession. She admits that her confidence is based on her inspiration. 'It's always the drive first, and then you know what to make. When you work surely you know that the audience will admit it. Even with my movies which haven't done great, by god's grace, I have been appreciated. Maybe because I have done my work. I have never concluded myself. I enjoy what I create. I think I am dedicated to what I do. I advance on it. So maybe that's why that results,' she says.
They questioned her if giving such power bound roles to make it challenging to come out of the coat of the on-screen character later and she says, 'You exist in a parallel reality when you are shooting for a movie for 12 to 14 hours. For the shoot, we used to fly one and half hours one way. Which meant three hours managed to go in traveling? We were relaxing in our cars while the shoot of 'Begum Jaan'.' 'Once I went back to the hotel as I required time for self. I know my other female co-stars used to hang out commonly almost each night but I never did that as I want to be myself. I need to be 'Begum Jaan',' she adds.
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