Salman Khan-starrer ‘Tubelight’ registered the lowest opening day collection. Director Kabir Khan's period drama received mixed reviews and reaction from the audience. Where some found it to be a decent movie, other found it to be very slow and not so emotionally engaging. However, critics, this time had a different take on Salman Khan Movie. The critics appreciated the work of Salman in the movie and had to say that it will work at the Box Office despite low ratings.
Movie ‘Tubelight’ released on 4350 screens in the country earned Rs. 21.15 crore on the first day and on the second day it earned in almost similar figures which are Rs. 21.17 crore. On Sunday which was a Holiday the movie earned Rs. 22.45 Crore.
Tubelight Box Office Collection
Now today on Monday which is a part of the extended weekend due to the festival of EID, the movie might reach higher figures than Sunday.
As we mentioned earlier, this is the lowest 1st day grosser for a Salman Khan Movie, his earlier releases on the EID festival, ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ collected 32.93 crores, ‘Kick’ collected 26.40 crore, ‘Bajranagi Bhaijaan’ collected 27.25 crore and ‘Sultan’ collected Rs. 36.54 crore.
The movie ‘Tubelight’ was a complete package of excellent story and star cast, but it missed the soul.The movie had a slow storytelling and was packed with unnecessary emotional scenes.
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