Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s epic historical drama ‘Padmavati’ is just around the corner for its release. The promotions of the movie are going on, the movie has the attention of the audience when the trailer came out last month, it became one of the most watched trailers of Bollywood, all the three actors impressed everyone in the trailer. The makers have also released two songs, ‘Ghoomar’ and ‘Ek Dil Ek Jaan’ from the movie and both are awesome.
Well, now Ranveer Singh’s new poster is out and he is looking total badass. Ranveer is playing the role of Alauddin Khilji in the movie and his look tells that he is here to impress everyone again with his performance; we have already seen a sneak peek of his performance in the trailer, which was awesome. He is just an evil man; we can see that in the poster, he doesn’t care about anyone.
Some people are also comparing him to Khal Drago from the popular series ‘Game Of Thrones’, but we can’t judge him right now, for that, we have to watch the movie. Knowing Ranveer, he will put a phenomenal performance in this movie. As we know, this is his third movie with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, who always brings the best out of him.
Well, the movie is also facing a controversy right now, where the Karni Sena from Rajasthan has threatened that if the story is not correctly, they will burn the theatres. Bhansali made it clear that there is no controversial scene in the movie and they have made this film with full responsibility.
Padmavati is set to release on 1st December 2017 and is expected to have a huge run at the Box Office.
Ranveer Singh’s New Poster From ‘Padmavati’ Shows The Evilness Of His Character
- 2 minute read
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