'Robot 2' is going to be a most expensive film of history of India. This is to saying the makers have planned budget of 350 crores before starting the film and it will increase while shooting got start. This is to notice last year released Baahubali is used to call the most expensive film of Indian history till now because its both parts have made in the budget of 250 crores.
In that situation Rajnikanth and Akshay Kumar starer film 'Robot 2' has become most expensive film of Indian cinema till now. This is to saying that 150 crores will be distribute between Rajnikanth, Akshay Kumar and director Shankar trio. However Shankar use to call most expensive director. Shankar has designed a grand climax of the film which will be shot in Delhi in the sweltering heat of May and June.
Every actor have saved there 40 days for shooting of the climax. The film is going to make in two languages Hindi and Tamil and it will increase film's business automatically. Because of good earnings in overseas market the makers are ready to spent too much money on the film.
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