Tennis star Sania Mirza in Hyderabad gave Biryani party to the entire team of Shahrukh's movie Dilwale. Shahrukh thanked Sania for the biryani party on Twitter and appreciated her work as a tennis player.
Shahrukh posted a tweet saying, 'There is no revert to your return shot in tennis, but the biryani party that you gave was really good. Your smile is even more precious than winning a tennis match'.
He even posted his picture with Sania Mirza, Kajol, Farah Khan, Varun Dhawan and Varun Sharma. Sania also answered the tweet of Shahrukh saying, 'Oh...anytime for you all. In such a busy schedule you got the time to eat biryani, happy for that...see you soon'.
In the upcoming movie of Shahrukh titled "Dilwale", Kriti Sanon will also be seen. The movie will release on 18 December. Before this Shahrukh and Salman was seen in "My Name Is Khan" in the year 2010. After that they will be seen together in this movie.
Sania Mirza gave Biryani party to the team of movie "Dilwale"
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