Bombay high court has allowed the release of Akshay Kumar starring Jolly LLB 2 after giving four cuts in it. On which, Akshay said that he respects the verdict of the court. In a media interaction, Akshay Kumar said I respect the verdict of the high court and they will have taken this decision after thinking a lot. This is high court and you have to follow the rules.
Akshay further added I always have followed the rules and we have made changes in the film. We can't debate on it. There will be four cuts in one scene which already has happened. Let me tell you that lawyer Ajay Kumar Waghmare demanded to remove the LLB word from the title of the film and he also said in the petition that the film is not showing good image of the lawyers.
Bombay High court verdict on Jolly LLB 2
In this petition, he also said that it was looking like that the film is mocking the judicial system after watching the trailer and some footage of the film. Akshay said, today anyone can file a case on any film in just a second but court never stops the release of the film. Because the courts also know that some people do file cases for fun and fame. I feel the decision in right, they want four cuts we did the same.
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After watching the film, justice S.S. Shinde and K.K. Sonawane ordered on Monday to remove those four scenes in the film which are objectionable.
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