Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor starrer film Baaghi is doing great work at the box office. In the film Tiger and Shraddha will be seen doing action scenes. Most of the actions scenes are done by both of them on their own. But before this they had to took training from Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bharadwaj. He has also played a character in this film.
Shifuji played a Swami role in this film. In the film he is chief action designer. Shifuji has given training to all the best stuntsman in the Bollywood.
He is a big Fan of Bharat Singh. He put mono of Bharat Singh on his every shirt and Tshirt. He rights Inqalaab Zindabad in his signatures.
He is known as Chief Commandos Mentor, who prepares India's most toughest commandos.
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