Sonam Kapoor has shared a video on social media in which is she is doing mental acting and she is looking very dangerous in it. Neerja Producer Atul kasbekar, Sonam's sister Reha Kapoor, Swara bhaskar and make up artist Namrata Soni are looking frightened in the video.
In this video it is looking like that Sonam wants to run away from these people and wants to stay alone. When she is alone she is doing strange weird things. Before releasing the video Sonam wrote I'm waiting to announce something special guys! I know I've been getting feed back about how I've disappeared and have been acting mental! But there's something amazing I'm going to announce today!!
Check out video here:-
Is this video is part of Sonam Kapoor's next project or Sonam is going to do web series, it will reveal on 29th April on 12 PM.
Sonam Kapoor new suspense video My Intervention and their interference
- 2 minute read
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