Sonam Kapoor who has won acclaimed for her performance in the film Neerja is one again going to share the screen with Akshay Kumar. R. Balki has approached Sonam Kapoor for his next film. The news is this that Sonam Kapoor and R. Balki did a meeting together a few days back and in this meeting R. Balki give a narration of the character to Sonam Kapoor.
Now the news is that the after narration, Sonam Kapoor liked the script that much that she immediately said yes to it. The shooting of the film will start from next year. Rumors are that Akshay Kumar will play the lead role in the film and Amitabh Bachchan will do a cameo role in the film. R. Balki has never made any film without Amitabh Bachchan so it is confirmed Amitabh will surely do a cameo in the film.
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Earlier Amitabh Bachchan and his wife Jaya Bachchan made the cameos in Arjun Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan starring movie Ki and Ka and that was also directed by R. Balki. If it happened that this will be the first film of R. Balki with Sonam Kapoor and Akshay Kumar. Sonam Kapoor this year last was seen in much-acclaimed movie Neerja.
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Let me tell you if it happened then this is going to be the second film of Sonam Kapoor with Akshay Kumar after 2011 released film Thank You. However, in that movie Sonam Kapoor was seen opposite Bobby Deol.
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Once again Sonam Kapoor to share screen with Akshay Kumar in this film
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