Yesteryear’s most sexy and sensuous actress Zeenat Aman was recently spotted at an event in Mumbai. She was attending the premiere of 'Love Life & Screw Ups' which is a web series with her playing an important role in it.
The lady will be seen portraying a stylish character of Joanna, who is an owner of a café and is a non-apologetic, cheerful lady. The web series is a story of a gang of friends and their lives ups and downs, in other words, their screwed up love life. Zeenat will be playing a pivotal role in the series and would be an important part of the crazy bunch of friends. It is a youth-oriented comedy series and will be aired with subtitles in English to cover global audiences.
'Love Life & Screw Ups' is penned by Kapil Kaustubh Sharma, who waited long to convince and cast the veteran actress. He shared that she was unsure about featuring in a web series and going digital but later when her role was narrated to her she got hooked and gave her consent.
Zeenat's look has been given utmost importance for the series. She will be seen wearing long skirts, scarves and big goggles. It was heard that the actress went on a strict regime of workout and diet to suit the character.
For the premier of the show also, the actress was seen wearing a floral long kurta with a matching floral bag and big glares. The 66-year-old actress looked every inch sexy and uber stylish in her attire.
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Zeenat Aman In an Upcoming Web Series 'Love Life and Screw Ups'
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